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Sophia/Waseda/Meiji Gakuin 2016/2/14 00:10
Hi guys,

I plan to apply for September's admission for the 3 universities mentionned in the title. I would like to apply for their english track program (Sophia: FLA / Waseda: SILS / Meiji Gakuin: Global and Transcultural Studies). The problem is that I have no idea regarding their admission criteria, so I would like to ask you if you think I have any chance to be admitted with my following scores:

SAT: 1400 (Reading 480 / Maths 490 / Writing 430)
TOEIC: 965

As you can see my SAT scores are damn bad... Do you guys think I can make it?

Aside from that, I'm french of chinese ancestry. I was born and raised in France. Both french and chinese are my native languages. It's been a bit more than a year that I live in Japan now and I passed the JLPT N2 exam recently.

by threenash  

Re: Sophia/Waseda/Meiji Gakuin 2016/2/15 11:14

Why don't you contact them directly?

Bravo pour le JLPT! N2, c'est balèze ;-)


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