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Ankle braces 2016/2/20 12:41

I'm currently in Japan and recently I injured my ankle and I've been to every convenient store and found that they have no ankle braces. I've also gone to Daiso and they only have cloth versions. So my question is, where can I buy a ankle brace. I don't want to continue aimlessly walking around, when my ankle isn't in any good shape and I don't want to keep staying in my hotel so it can heal up.

If anyone has an answer please let me know. Thanks.
by injured ttaveller (guest)  

Re: Ankle braces 2016/2/20 14:14
Try a drug store.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Ankle braces 2016/2/21 14:37
You could try a pharmacy (look for a green cross), an outdoor clothing/hiking supplies shop or head to your nearest hospital A&E department and see if they can help (that might cost a bit, especially if they x-ray it).

Show a picture of what you want on your smartphone or tablet.

Your best shot may be the cloth one and a walking stick, using taxis/elevators as much as possible.
by David (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ankle braces 2016/2/21 18:21
You may want to see on-line shopping

by GattoNegro rate this post as useful

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