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Toukyoutoritu Kodairakoukou 2016/2/20 18:27

I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the admission process to toukyoutoritu kodairakoukou. A friend of mine that came from that school said that they had many international students. But I can't find any information about it on the internet.

It would be great if you could help me find out how to apply and the costs.

Thank you so much!
by Francine (guest)  

Re: Toukyoutoritu Kodairakoukou 2016/2/20 21:43
Hi Francine,

This is the official website of that school, but I'm afraid it's only in Japanese.

Since it's a public high school, entrance policies are supposed to be the same as all public high schools in Tokyo. Here are more details on Tokyo metropolitan high schools admissions, from the Board of Education website.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Toukyoutoritu Kodairakoukou 2016/2/20 23:27
Hi Uco!

Thanks for the info :) I'll check it out right away. I actually found the school website but like you said it's in Japanese and I couldn't read it 😂 thank you again
by Francine (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Toukyoutoritu Kodairakoukou 2016/2/20 23:35
They seem to place some emphasis on English language education, and also have exchange programs with some high schools in other countries, and take in students for up to one year from their partner schools. Maybe that's what your friend noticed.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

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