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Long sleeves during summer? 2016/2/24 19:37
So I'm going to be working in Japan at some point later on this year as an ALT. I know that the summers in Japan can be extremely hot and humid and many school teachers will generally wear short sleeve dress shirts to school.

However, I have some pretty nasty skin graft scars on my left arm from an accident that happened when I was a teenager. I don't like to look at them too much, so I generally will wear long sleeve shirts all the time. However, sometimes, it gets too hot, so I'll wear a short sleeve shirt but wrap the scars up with an ACE bandage.

Would this be acceptable in a work environment in Japan?
by OhayouOhio  

Re: Long sleeves during summer? 2016/2/25 14:03
Long sleeves are very common in summer for people looking to prevent sun damage and tanning, you can even buy special shirts made of fabrics designed to provide full coverage but still keep you cool and dry. People generally won't think anything of you wearing long sleeves year round.
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Long sleeves during summer? 2016/2/25 18:30
As Vita said, it's fine to wear long sleeves in summer. And about the ace bandage, that's fine, but you'll get lots of questions about what's under it from both kids and teachers. If you don't mind answering, then wear the bandage and it's fine. If you don't like to talk about it/don't want the kids to know/etc. then stick with long sleeves.
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

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