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Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 00:34
I am starting in April and I was advised in my Skype interview that 200,000 yen would be sufficient set up costs until my first pay at the end of May.
My company will foot the bill for apartment set up costs then spread the costs over my contract term and deduct each month. Bearing in mind I will not need to pay the deposit and key money up front for my apartment, is 200,000 yen enough to pay rent and bills and eat for two months? I don't plan to go out drinking and I will be placed in a small city or the countryside in Tochigi. I usually only eat two meals a day (one of I get up late on days off) and I'm a bit fat so reducing my food budget won't mean I starve.
I would like to hear from people in a similar situation, not just horror stories about how it's not enough money from someone in a big city who drinks in expat bars.
I am definitely coming to Japan next month to take up my position, so constructive, useful and relevant comments only please.
by squarefred  

Re: Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 11:21
Rent and utilites will eat up the bulk of that, so it really depends on what those base values are. As an ALT, mine were around 130,000-150,000 yen for two months, but it's easy for things to cost more early on as you're getting settled. That doesn't leave much left for food, but it could be doable. So I'd say its a tight budget, but possible depending on how strict/desperate you are. More would of course be better.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 11:51
Thanks. That is very useful information.
If my situation is similar to yours 200,000 minus 130-150,000 rent and bills would leave me around 50-70,000 yen over two months for food and daily needs. Like you say, that's tight (no travel or drinking) but I should be able to survive. I imagine I'll become quite familiar with 100 yen shops and convenience stores.
I can get an advance on my first pay in an emergency, but I don't want to get into a debt cycle. Better to just take the hit the first two months.
I will try to pick up private classes for extra income if I can. I'll have plenty of free time.
by squarefred rate this post as useful

Re: Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 12:48
Word of caution.

Is 200K your final take home salary?
Is that your gross salary?
You may get less after tax, insurance, pension and other misc.
Just so you know.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 12:51
No, my salary is 230,000 before tax and deductions. I'm bringing 200,000 with me to last the two months until my first pay.
by squarefred rate this post as useful

Re: Initial funds until first paycheck (ALT)? 2016/2/25 18:33
Is the apartment furnished? You might need some necessities in a new apartment right away, so make sure you budget for that as well.
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

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