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How to move to Japan if I live in India? 2016/2/25 20:34
I am currently in my first year of college. I am very interested in moving to japan. What do i need to do to move there?
by Seerat (guest)  

Re: How to move to Japan if I live in India? 2016/2/26 10:11
First step is to finish college as the degree will qualify you for various resident visas.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: How to move to Japan if I live in India? 2016/2/26 10:28
Finish college first (bachelor's degree), and also think about what you want to do in Japan. Japan is not a country you can just move to only because you want to move. You'd need to have skills that employers in Japan want, and you'd need to find an employer in Japan, if you want to live and work in Japan.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to move to Japan if I live in India? 2016/2/26 12:08
As the other posters wrote, finishing your degree would be the best advice one may give you. While you do that, start learning Japanese (if possible, take courses in a local school, or at least learn online, there is a lot of (free) material).

If you are really serious about living in Japan, you have only a few options. One cannot just decide to go to Japan and go. You need a visa. Either you get sponsored by a Japanese company (obviously difficult from India) or you apply for a student visa. Higher education in Japan is almost only in Japanese so you will need to learn Japanese first. Apply to a language school to a 6-month or 1-year program. Once you are in Japan and once you can speak Japanese (at a school you can reach JLPT N2 within a year if you are a committed student), you will be able to make your dream come true. PM me or check this if you want to learn more:
by Motivist rate this post as useful

Re: How to move to Japan if I live in India? 2016/2/26 13:07
To get any kind of decent job, learn the language. I saw it summed us as:
You have to be good at your preferred job in both your native language and Japanese.

Don't expect anyone to employ you speaking non-Japanese for something other than language teacher (unless you are on transfer or very lucky).
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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