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Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 00:00

I am really stressed out and I don't know who else I can ask about these questions. I want to thank anyone in advance for your help.

First a little background.

I worked for one year with one of the big named ALT companies but they messed up the visa renewal process. They had me working extra hours without getting an exemption for more work. Immigration wanted to reject my renewal. The only way to avoid trouble was to withdraw my renewal and leave the country and contract for "family emergencies". This was worked out between immigration and my company. They paid for my flights and the rest of my salary.

The new semester is coming up and the same company wants to rehire me under a brand new contract. Right now the CoE is being finished and they will want me to work in the new semester.

This is the problem. I don't want to work for these people anymore. I want to give my quitting notice as soon as I land. I have been applying for other jobs and I found a great fit. The problem is that it is an Eikaiwa job not an ALT job.

I understand I would have to change my visa status at immigration but I am worried that immigration will see that I have quit my other job right away and reject my status switch.

Other than ruining my terms with my old company, will quitting my job as soon as I land cause problems at immigration? This is what I am worried about. If there is a fine I have to pay for breaking the old contract I am not concerned. I am just worried that immigration may reject the status.

Does anyone have any advice/ information/ thoughts about situation?

Thank you for any help, once again I truly am grateful. I have been stuck in my home country for four months trying to get back to Japan and am so so worried that I will just be sent back from all these problems this company caused.
by Help Please (guest)  

Re: Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 09:24
i dont think your terms with the previous work can affect your visa. just make sure you are already accepted by the new company that you will work for and let them update it.
i also have a question related to this.
i also wanna quit my job but i still dont have new employer. i can finance my living here even without a job (but ofcourse i plan to get another job, it is just that it is hard when you are still employed) but the problem is immigration requires to change your visa within 14 days of resignation. what can i do about this? can i change to tourist visa?
by another-quitter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 09:28
You need to submit new questions under a new thread. You cannot hijack another's thread.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 09:46
If you can settle it with the old company (you did not stop them from proceeding with the CoE application? And I hope they did not pay for your "return" flights?), that part should be OK. But it is something probably you would need to apologize for anyway, if you let them proceed with the process and never told them your intentions. Upon you giving them notice, they will notify Immigration within 2 weeks, and probably they will do that very quickly, seeing you are leaving them.

If your new employer knows that they have to help you at the very beginning with changing your status, then it should be OK (I hope they did not hire you assuming you have a valid visa already to start right off).
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 10:11
it is better to discuss related questions in the same thread rather than flood the website with thread of the same questions.

anyway, for the thread starter, have you talked to ALT company about this?
by another-quitter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting ASAP/ Visa Status Switch 2016/2/26 10:21
Thank you for the responses.

Part of the agreement that I signed with the company was that they would pay the rest of my salary and pay for my flights to and from Japan. During this time they also wanted me to return to their company and started the paperwork.

So I did not stop them from applying for the CoE and they are paying for the flight.

My new employer is entirely aware of the situation and will help with all the paperwork for the Visa Status switch. I am only concerned that immigration may reject the Visa Status switch if they see I have switched within a couple weeks of being there. One of the documents needed for the Visa Status switch is a form from the previous company stated that I have quit how much they have paid me/ how long I have worked there. If they see its only been one or two weeks I am afraid they will reject it from suspicion.

I have not let the ALT company know. When I left they said that they would give me priority on placement location when I returned but they have not been able to fulfill this. This is also part of the reason why I am switching my job. I felt that if I quit before I returned they would not pay me the rest of the salary and flights which were already promised to me.
by Help Please (guest) rate this post as useful

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