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numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 00:56
In Tokyo, the administrative apportionment of districts is organized and numbered in urban districts and in urban blocks. So we find addresses like "5-6-23 XYZ-ku".
In the same way as Google map allows to locate an address on a plan, is there a web site which proposes maps which give the geographical distribution of the numbering in an island or in a district?
Thanks for you informations!
by Seb from France  

Re: numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 11:48
Could you give an example of what you're looking for? Your question is difficult to parse.

So we find addresses like "5-6-23 XYZ-ku".

No, you don't find addresses like that - there's usually a town (machi) name, a ku name, a city name and often a prefecture name.
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 18:00
I meant addresses like that :

Mr and Mrs ABCDEF
A-B-C Higashi-Shimbashi
Minato-ku, Tokyo

I would like to know if there is a web site that gives maps with blocks and the numbers. Thanks for your tips!
by Seb from France rate this post as useful

Re: numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 18:48
Google Maps.

For example, if you enter "5-12 shinbashi"

it returns,139.7544...

Of course, you should enter correct address. If you click the number on the map (of Google map), you will see the address on the left of the window. You can presume the address to be entered.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 19:02
In the same way as Google map allows to locate an address on a plan, is there a web site which proposes maps which give the geographical distribution of the numbering in an island or in a district?

Google maps gives this information, although it may not be immediately visible to you if you don't know what you're looking for. Maybe mapion would be easier to understand?

Perhaps you could you give us an idea of what you're trying to do?

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: numbers in urban blocks 2016/3/1 20:09
Note that addresses are not "logical", so even with a map like the one you describe, you still might have trouble. Just type the addresses into Google Maps.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: numbers in urban blocks : OK. 2016/3/2 02:11
Thanks a lot for your answers! that's ok with google maps, finaly.
by Seb from France rate this post as useful

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