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Youth Educational School / Centre 2016/3/2 16:35
I need to ask you guys a question, because I'm unable to find anything in the google.

Do you maybe know if there is a Youth Educational School / Centre in Osaka, Japan? Not just school, a centre for youth with educational problems, from pathological families. I need to do the research there, but first I need to find proper facility.

Thank you in advance
by Kaja (guest)  

Re: Youth Educational School / Centre 2016/3/2 19:33
Could you clarify your question a little bit more?

What age range of youth people are you talking about?

All children up to 15 years old have the right to attend public schools and teachers there are supposed to watch out on how the students are dealing with their families, but are you looking for things like places where children having problems with parents can come to get help on their homework for free?
by Uco rate this post as useful

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