Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 02:34
Hello, everyone. After much research and not finding answers, I was hoping someone here could help me out.

Me (US citizen) & my wife (Japanese) recently got married on 2/8/2016 in Japan, and submitted the Application For Change Of Status Of Residence (w/ all the necessary supporting documents) at the local immigration office on 2/15/2016, to change my status from 'Temporary Visitor' to 'Spouse of Japanese National'. We lived together in the US for 2 years (she was on a student visa), and we came to Japan together on 1/1/2016. With that being the case, we were both unemployed at the time we submitted the forms, so we had my mother-in-law act as guarantor (she is self-employed; my father-in-law recently passed away, if that info means anything).

During this whole time, I've been going to a couple of job interviews, and I finally got a job offer on 2/24/2016, a little more than a week after we submitted the forms. I've yet to find out if my application got approved or not (still waiting for the postcard), and so my question is this: Is it smart to notify immigration that I recently got a job offer, as a means of showing that I am now able to financially support myself and my wife? Or would this fall under the category of "don't ask, don't tell", since I heard that I am technically not supposed to be job-hunting on a Temporary Visitor status?

I should point out that the job offer requires that I start on 4/1/2016, and no later, or I will lose the offer. Basically, I am just a bit worried that I will not get approved in time to start work (which is in less than a month), and so I am wondering if voluntarily submitting this additional info to immigration will help, if not speed up, the process.

Any solid leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again :)
by De La Sole  

Re: Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 11:36
What is your current status? If it's one which does not allow work, you cannot work until your new status is granted.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 11:46
Okay it's Temporary Visitor. Please avoid big walls of text with a lot of useless information, the relevant bits get drowned in the middle of it.

I don't think anybody here knows whether it is best to notify your job offer or not (if indeed this question has a definite answer at all). Maybe an immigration lawyer who is aware of many similar cases does.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 12:02
I think I would keep quiet about the job for now and see if your postcard comes this month, since you've still got time. If it does come then that's that. If it comes but is a rejection, then you can see if your job will start the process of getting you a work visa instead. If it doesn't come by then... well, you can figure it out when the time comes.
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

Re: Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 12:41
I would also keep quiet about it for now, and if later Immigration ever brings up the issue of financial support/stability, then you could come up with that offer and proposed income you could be getting (but never show it any earlier, as it "could" be interpreted as your stronger intention to "work in Japan" as against "living in Japan with your Japanese wife").

Keep in mind that for "spouse" status, what matters is whether the Japanese spouse (and his/her family in Japan) is willing to and capable of supporting a living, rather than the foreign national.

Once Immigration authorities establishes that the marriage is genuine and there is some family member agreeing to be a financial guarantor, it should go through.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Got job offer after starting Change of Status 2016/3/3 18:16
Thank you everyone for the quick response. I guess I will wait it out a bit more before presenting any additional documents to immigration. I'll be sure to follow up on this thread as well.
by De La Sole rate this post as useful

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