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Job or business, what's easier? 2016/3/3 05:01
I'm currently saving a lot of money, polishing my Japanese (no pun intended) and expanding my knowledge about my speciality.
With this being said, I hope to move to Japan late this year or early next year.

Here in my country, it's impossible to find a job and the European Union makes having an own company harder every single year (unless you're one of the big guys, because it's getting easier for them).
Even though I'm good with languages, I decided to continue doing I'm doing now rather than suddenly teaching English to Japanese children (English is not even my native language, heh).

I'm a game developer, mainly for Nintendo platforms and I'd really like to stay with this.
Finding such a job here is hard, being invited for an interview is even harder.

So my big question is, is it easier to move my company to Japan, or is it easier to find a job in Japan (or both/none)?

The big down side about having my company re-located is that Nintendo requires Japanese companies to have an office somewhere in the west, and the same thing goes for the other way around.
Right now I can publish any game I want in Europe, the Americas and Oceania, but not in Japan or Korea.
Having a company in Japan will reverse the situation. :P

The big down side about getting a job is that Japanese companies are much more strict about your knowledge than they are in Europe.
And you're more of a slave than an individual in Japan.
At least, that's what I've heard.
by Blaveloper  

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