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can a part time job sustain my working visa? 2016/3/4 19:42
what if i decided to have a part time job instead, will it sustain my visa? ありがとう ございます
by soontobetokyogirl  

Re: can a part time job sustain my working visa? 2016/3/4 20:15
Probably not unless maybe you have a lot of savings or some other way to support your living, since a part-time job will probably not be enough.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: can a part time job sustain my working visa? 2016/3/4 20:23
I am concerned with the validity if my visa.
by soontobetokyogirl rate this post as useful

Re: can a part time job sustain my working visa? 2016/3/4 20:37
What do the conditions of your visa say? Have you talked to the company sponsoring your visa about this change?
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: can a part time job sustain my working visa? 2016/3/5 00:28
soontobetokyogirl if I am not wrong you recently had lot of discussion of your CoE delay in another thread of this forum, I recall your company sponsored your work visa, so what happened now? can you give more details how your situation changed to part time?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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