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Divorce consent 2016/3/8 00:28
Hey guys I have a big question that I absolutely need to ask. I'm a US citizen by the way living in the US. In the first week of february my pregnant wife and I got married in Osaka, Japan. We recently got into a huge argument and I would say that it was my fault for starting it. 3 days later she wants to divorce. She bought a stamp that is basically going to be my signature to approve the divorce on my behalf. Meaning she's forcing the marriage without my permission and stamping it for me. Can this happen even without my presence? I'm in so much shock because she even showed my name on the stamp. Please give me a right answer.
by umaga  

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/8 07:52
It's illegal for her to do so, but if she stamps the form without your consent and takes it to city hall, she can dissolve your marriage right away, even without you being physically there. It's not impossible to reverse the process, but the process is lengthy and complicated. What you want to do is: rush to your local city hall asap and sign a form saying you spouse cannot submit divorce papers without your approval!
by Lizzy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/8 07:59
by Lizzy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/8 09:55
Cases where foreign spouse unknowingly got divorce from their Japanese spouse with just a stamp was recently highlighted in the news.

Check below article:
by d (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/8 12:15
did you check that the divorce was reported to the city office ?
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/9 08:35
That is so despicable.. So you guys mean to say that the best option is to contact the city hall? Actually, I have no idea how to contact the city hall nor speak fluently in Japanese.. I don't know when she'll do this, but she is hanging me down like a thread at this point.
by umaga rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/9 10:32
Well it is illegal, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You can file a fujuritodoke at city hall, which basically prevents her from divorcing you without your express consent. Not sure if you can file that remotely, however...

I don't know anything about your situation, but if she wants to divorce bad enough that she'll break the law to do it then your relationship can't be in the best position. Keep in mind that a contested divorce is a far more traumatic and expensive process, should you choose to fight her on this. Hope it works out for the best.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/9 10:50
You can try calling here:
You could also contact your local Japanese embassy or consulate for more information!

Be careful... She's pregnant, right? If she goes back to Japan, you might never see your baby. This kind of stuff seems to happen rather often unfortunately.

If you want to try and save your marriage, try counseling?
Best of luck with everything!
by Lizzy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/9 12:07
She doesn't want you any more in her life. For whatever reason she was willing to break the law to get away from you.
by lou00 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Divorce consent 2016/3/9 22:40
she warned you that she is ready to divorce, if you don't make next meaningful actions.
even though you think about the possibility and/or the illegality of her procedure, it does not help to solve the argument (or quarrel).
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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