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Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 09:22
There was another question like mine but it was posted over 10 years ago so for the sake of up to date information I'll post a similar question again.

When I go to Japan soon I'll need to open a bank account. I was considering JP bank due to the convenience of them being everywhere.

As far as I've found out online you receive a bank book and a cashcard which can only be used for making ATM withdrawals.

I don't mind using cash to pay for things at shops but how do you pay for things online (Amazon for example) without a debit card ?

I don't really like the idea of owing money on a credit card and not sure I'd be granted one as a student without any income.

Extra: Does anybody know if JP bank charges for making payments ? and which bank would you recommend ?

thank you so much if you answer.
by guest (guest)  

Re: Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 12:48
it's true that you get only an ATM card when you get a bank account. as a foreigner, i have heard many stories from my friends here about being rejected for 100% credit cards, due to many things (which can include that your visa length is usually only one year at first). however, if you get an account at mitsubishi-mufj, you can get a debit card to be linked up with your account, and the application is easily done either online through your account or in the office. i got one very quickly and easily to link with my account, and it's changed a lot (the first two years here, i had no debit or credit card). i would recommend them for that reason.
by kayjazz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 13:49
You can pay for virtually all online purchases from Japanese websites in cash at convenience stores. This includes Amazon orders.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 15:19
Oh, and you can also buy prepaid Visa cards in convenience stores, although I have never tried them myself. (I have kept my French card, which I still use sometimes, to buy things from non-Japanese sites and also to pay for my cellphone plan.)
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 15:49
I have account with UFJ. 1 Cash card + 1 debit card. There were no question asked when i opened, about my visa or my income. Not sure what other banks do but it was quite easy with UFJ for me.
by ACF82 rate this post as useful

Re: Bank account with debit card? 2016/3/11 16:54
Thank you very much, There's a big UFJ bank very close to where I'll be living. I'll definitely go there first.

Thanks Firas for the other options.
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

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