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Deposit coins into Shinsei account? 2016/3/11 15:15
It's three days until pay day, I have about 2000 yen in 10 yen coins, I'd really like to get them into my bank account, so I can withdraw a note.

I live in Hyogo and bank with Shinsei.

Shinsei website says they don't accept deposits at branches, so please use ATMs. Also says 7-11, Daily Yamazaki, FamilyMart, Lawson and JP Bank ATMs accept deposits.

I've been to: 2x 7-11 - no coin deposit function/slot.
1x Lawson - no coin deposit function/slot.
1x FamilyMart - no coin deposit function/slot.
2x Yamazaki - no ATM.
1x JP Bank - has coin deposit slot, but doesn't open when I select "deposit".

The only option I haven't tried is a Shinsei ATM. The nearest one is in Osaka, and it seems a waste to spend 560 yen on the train to deposit 1500 yen into my bank.

Any ideas?
by Dragarkan (guest)  

Re: Deposit coins into Shinsei account? 2016/3/11 15:24
Just spend them as is? They are legal tender after all...
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Deposit coins into Shinsei account? 2016/3/11 15:25
Can't you just ask a friend or colleague to give you notes for your coins? You could also probably furikomi them to your account, but then you'd have a handling fee.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Deposit coins into Shinsei account? 2016/3/11 15:31
(I assume you really need notes for some reason, otherwise, yes, just use them as they are.)
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Deposit coins into Shinsei account? 2016/3/11 15:56
Thanks guys. I don't /really/ need notes, I just feel like an asshole if I go to the supermarket and make the cashier count 100+ coins. Even 20 coins feels like too much.

I suppose I could make a few trips to the convenience store spending 150-250 yen at a time so it's not such a pain.

I'll look up furikomi too for future reference too.

by Dragarkan (guest) rate this post as useful

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