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Driving license in Tochigi-shi 2016/3/13 20:12
i live in tochigi shi.can I have driving license in tochigi.if yes how much it cost .i want to buy a used car
by Raj (guest)  

Re: Driving license in Tochigi-shi 2016/3/15 04:11
Are you asking how much does the license cost in Japan? It depends if you have a driver's license in your home country and what the requirements from your country and the Japanese license department.

I know when I got my license, I had to get my home country's driver's license translated at JAF. I had to submit my paper work and schedule a written test. After passing the written test, I had to schedule a driving test. I practiced at a driving school to learn the course. I think I paid around 4,000 yen. The actual test cost around 6,000. If you fail, you have to retake it, which is an additional cost.

As for a cost of a car, I think it depends what type of car kei or regular and new or used. You have to factor all kinds of things with a car, shaken (car inspection), maintenance insurance, winter tires?, parking, etc.
by MikeTI rate this post as useful

Re: Driving license in Tochigi-shi 2016/3/15 06:56
Read all about translate at JAF and Tochigi Police web.

If NOT pay for Driving school(自動車教習所) over 50hrs study and lesson over 300000Y total first.
(price sample)

Read past Qs. (include "by IDP")

About buying a own car is next step.
So must clear license problem first.

"No license drive" penalty will be 3 yrs max imprisonment or paying 500000Y max.
If long time as repeatedly will be "arrested" usual.
by XCF (guest) rate this post as useful

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