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Spouse visa rejection - re-entry 2016/3/14 09:47
If you apply for a spouse visa and your spouse visa is rejected, you have to leave the country. How many days are you given to leave?

Also, after you leave, can you immediately re-enter on a tourist visa? I would assume immigration doesn't want someone who just had their spouse visa application denied to immediately return on a tourist visa.
by pluto (guest)  

Re: Spouse visa rejection - re-entry 2016/3/14 11:41
If you apply for a spouse visa and your spouse visa is rejected, you have to leave the country. How many days are you given to leave?

You are given to the end of validity of your current stamp. If that is expired then you'll be notified of a date by which you are expected to leave. I believe it's something like a week after getting notice.

Also, after you leave, can you immediately re-enter on a tourist visa?

Depends on the situation. Of course, you'll always run the risk of being denied entry.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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