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Technical intern changing company 2016/3/16 12:20
hi! i'm my residence status here in japan is under technical internship and still working to a company until May or June, 2016. but my residence card is until October2016.. my question is am i capable to find or apply to another company? did the company
will give me a working visa. i just want to stay here in japan. Please help!
by enman  

Re: Technical intern changing company 2016/3/16 22:48
you are not working, and you are in training.
after you return to your country, then apply a working visa, if you are qualified.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Technical intern changing company 2016/3/16 22:51
If you successfully found a new company or the current company will hire you as full time employee then you could get a working visa.
If you have nihongo communications skill it would be easy for you.
May i know how you got an internship? Which company?
by cardcaptorsakura (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Technical intern changing company 2016/3/17 21:57
in documents, yes! i am a trainee.. but in reality Its the same as a regular Japanese worker.
i got my internship from a sending organization in my country. before that i am a regular employee from a japanese company. then the S.O saw my profile to a job hunting website then contacted me if im interested. i passed all the interviews then studied the japanese language for 3 months. about my nihongo, if the native speaks me not to fast, i do understand them.

by enman rate this post as useful

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