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Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/17 21:57
This might be just another thread on the topic. However, every single case regarding this issue is different, so here I go.

I met my girlfriend (Japanese) a year ago while I was in Japan and things are nice between us two. I had to go back to my country (Spain) to finish my master's degree and look for a job, which I found in Thailand. Since then I have visited her several times. She has also come to my place in Thailand. She also has a child from a previous relationship. She is 4 years older than me, which might not be an issue.

The thing is we want to get married. As for that there is no problem, as everyone in our families agree. I am not that sure about the immigration guys when asking for a spouse visa. I have gone through several threads on this forum and also have had a good look in other websites about requirements and stuff.

There might be financial issues (she is a part-time worker, while I work full-time but earn as much as her in Thailand) or ther issue of the relationship, as we have been together for a year, let alone the fact that I live and work in another country. Her father is a state worker as well, something that might help if he agrees to become the sponsor.

Having said this, are there any chances of getting the spouse visa? We have other options if this one turns out to be rejected, but it's not that easy to be here and there the whole time.

Thank you in advance.
by goukaji  

Re: Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/18 11:25
So I take it that you are planning to move to Japan? I don't see any particular issue.

Please think about under which country's law you want to get married. Check for what procedures is needed if (1) you get married according to Thai law and need to report it to Japan, (2) you get married according to Spanish law and report it to Japan, or (3) you get married according to the laws of Japan. Also about where you eventually might want to live in.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/18 11:38
Really since you have a master's degree, it should be no problem getting a work visa in Japan (Provided you find an employer within Japan). I'm putting this out there because you mentioned the financial issues. It sounds like a smarter move than jumping to marriage after one year.

A spouse visa will take longer, and I think you will need to return to Spain at some point for either visa, even if you live in Thailand for now.
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/18 11:49
Thank you for your answer.

My intention is to move to Japan next year. It would be better for me to move earlier with a proper job but it's not that easy (even though I hold a degree on English and a Master's degree on teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language I am not a native speaker of English and there are very few jobs for Spanish teachers in Japan that have visa sponsorship available).

Thus I will follow the Japanese law procedures (explained in other threads) and in the future the Spanish law ones (you never know when you might have to go back to your home country to start a new life). To be honest I am not interested in living in Thailand and my gf doesn't like it that much.

My biggest fear is basically to get the spouse visa rejected, as I have seen in some of the cases over here. The issues mentioned before (financial, because she works part time and because of the length of the relationship) might be the problem for immigration officers. As for the rest, I have studied Japanese for about 10 years (I have the JLPT N2 and it might be even higher) and I have lived there for 5 months in the past. There is plenty of evidence (letters, photos, presents, SNS, photos with her family) to show that we are a real couple. There should be no problem for that's Japan and they don't tell you much, so you never know.
by goukaji rate this post as useful

Re: Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/18 15:21
A spouse visa will take longer, and I think you will need to return to Spain at some point for either visa, even if you live in Thailand for now.

Both visa types should take about the same time to approve provided the OP qualifies equally for either. And in either case, you can get your visa at the Japanese Embassy in Thailand without returning to Spain.

My biggest fear is basically to get the spouse visa rejected, as I have seen in some of the cases over here.

It shouldn't be a problem provided the marriage is genuine. You may just have to provide supporting info until immigration is satisfied.

As for the rest, I have studied Japanese for about 10 years (I have the JLPT N2 and it might be even higher) and I have lived there for 5 months in the past.

Why not look for work outside of language teaching then. Your language ability should open up a bunch more opportunities.

There should be no problem for that's Japan and they don't tell you much, so you never know.

Japan Immigration is actually pretty straightforward and easy to understand. You seem to meet the requirements for multiple visa types so I don't think you'll have a problem securing a visa.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Possibilities to get a spouse visa 2016/3/18 22:48
Thanks again for the answers.

I can guess that in my case there would be no problem for marrying and getting th spouse visa, just providing the necessary documents. It seems, however, it would be best to wait a bit and see what I can do. I would be really happy to be with the two of them and not having to worry about planes and counting every single cent I have (planes are not cheap at all).

I also have the chance of going there and go for a Ph.D. (I will have to save loads of money just for the tuition fees), in whose case I would get the student visa. This is not 100% sure, however.

I don't know how it is for a foreigner to work outside language teaching industry in Japan and the chances I have. I will go to her place for a couple of months on holiday and I will try to do whatever I can to get something to stay with her. If not...well, we will have to wait. We already planned to go to Spain in the next vacation so she can meet my family as well.

About immigration, would it be ok if the two of us go to the Immigration Office and tell someone about our case?
by goukaji rate this post as useful

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