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How can I say this in Japanese? 2016/3/18 01:48
How can I say this in Japanese?

"I want to thank you for making my days brighter."
Is it correct to use 明るい気持ち as "days brighter"?

Thank you for your attention.

by MabelMabel  

Re: How can I say this in Japanese? 2016/3/19 09:49
It depends on the context.

If you stayed in Japan for a long time (for example, 1 year as a student) and the man helped you a lot, and you enjoyed your stay in Japan, it should be like this.


If you stayed long, but your stay was somewhat dissapointing as a whole but the man helped you a lot, it should be like this.


If you stayed shorter time, and the man helped you a few times, it should be:


"明るい気持ち” can be understood, but it is not common expression in Japan, I think.
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: How can I say this in Japanese? 2016/3/19 15:11
frog1954 is correct
these are my trials



by sakura-saku (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I say this in Japanese? 2016/3/20 03:00
愉快(yukai) な日々, 愉しい(tanoshii)日々, 楽しい日々、etc.
Maybe the first one suits the best.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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