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Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/19 02:16
Hi, i would like to ask for an advise on this.

I got married last September with a Nikkeijin in the Philippines. We have submitted all the necessary documents and requested for the Certificate of Elegibility on February 22,2016. We were advised that it would take about 1-3 months for the approval. I'm planning to apply for tourist visa (since I don't have one yet) and stay in Japan while waiting for my CoE to get approved and just change my visa status when I get there. Will that be possible and how do we go about that? Will there be a conflict on my COE and tourist visa application? Anyone here who can help me, please? Many thanks ahead!
by Vinarj  

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/19 12:57
you can't enter japan while you wait for your CoE. if you applied outside of japan, then you have to wait outside of japan.
by anonymous (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 00:52
Oh, okay. Thanks. Then I guess I'm left with no choice.😓 Sorry just couldn't help it. This waiting is becoming frustrating. I'm worried this might take up 3 months or so. Most of the people my husband knows of had their COEs released in a matter of two weeks to one month time. Is it okay to call migration to do a follow up or should I just wait to hear from them?
by Vinarj rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 00:57
I do not see that it is impossible to enter Japan if you have a pending COE application. That said, if you do a tourist visa application, it is very likely to be denied since you have a demonstrated intent to move to Japan long-term. If you want to try your luck, though, go ahead and apply.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 01:26
Thanks Firas! Will try that if i still get no feedback from them in a month.
by Vinarj rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 13:53
Still waiting to hear from someone who did the same thing or at least try to do the same thing. Really need your advise on this!
by Vinarj rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 15:47
Like i said you can't enter while your waiting. calling and annoying immigration has no meaning. Wait until the 3 months have passed and if then still no answer call immigration.
by anonymous (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can i get tourist visa while waiting for COE? 2016/3/20 20:48
I did it and ended up with a very angry immigration person. I did it after my mother-in-law told me that an immigration person on the phone told her it was fine if i had a return ticket. It wasnt fine.

Luckily we had what they considered emergency/valid reasons for coming in to Japan early. (very sick relative)

But for a while there we were terrified that I was going to be sent packing. The person we were dealing with told us if we didnt have vslid reasons, i should b e sent home.
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

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