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Accomodation in Shinjuku for one year? 2016/3/20 19:13
Hello, I plan on staying in Japan for one full year to study at the KCP International Language School and am searching for a place to stay as near to that school as possible. The address of the school is 1-29-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022. I'm searching for the cheapest room in a sharehouse.

I've already found some good offers and I realize this is the kind of question you can answer with "google it", but I thought I'd ask you guys for any recomendations you can give me. I could use any help on saving up money. Plus, I don't speak Japanese and I thought maybe that limits me to finding the best offers.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance. :)
by essennagerry  

Re: Accomodation in Shinjuku for one year? 2016/3/20 22:58
I recommend asking the school if they have any dormitory or a list of landlords/apartments that often rent out to their students. One suggestion might be, as that school is very centrally located, to find an accommodation a bit outside Tokyo, such as either along Marunouchi Metro line, or JR Chuo line, in either case out toward Nakano or a bit beyond. Or along JR Yamanote Line toward north, past Ikebukuro. There you might find less expensive guesthouses. I used to know one along Chuo line many years ago but I cannot find it right now.
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