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Japan PR living out of Japan 2016/3/21 12:49
Hello Friends,
Me & my family (wife & kid) have PR status of Japan, Around a year ago my company transferred me to another country on assignment, The assignment period is for 3 years but might get extended.

Before leaving Japan I took re-entry permit for everyone which is valid for 5 years. My company will settle my tax (year end adjustment is done & also company has paid the local tax)

My question is- I understand that only way you would lose the PR status is if I don't return before the expiry of Re-entry permit which still has around 4 years to go, is that correct?
In case my assignment gets extended, Can I enter Japan for a short period to get another re-entry permit (I know I might have explanation to be given to Immigration)
I just don't want to lose PR status and in long term I want to live in Japan.

Other than this is there anything I should worry about?

Please advise.
by PR (guest)  

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