Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Japanese resident with no address 2016/3/22 14:10
First of all, I have a current visa until 2020.
I`m currenty living in Yokohama and planning to move to Shinagawa. I`m going back home for 3 months and trying to scheulde my moving house so my plan is:

- move out (30 April),
- put my stuff in storage,
- go back home (1 May - mid July),
- come back to Japan (mid July)
- stay with friends until I find a house.
- Move into a new place in July/August.

My question is, is it possible to be a resident here and maintain residency while not having an address in Japan?
I know after i move out i need to notify Yokohama city office, but then i wont register a new address in Shinagawa until August.

I cant see any issue with this, but i know the Government can be pretty strict about knowing every detail of your life and whereabouts. and always say you MUST NOTIFY OF ANY CHANGE WITHING 2 WEEKS etc.

has anyone else had a similar situation???

by Aaron (guest)  

Re: Japanese resident with no address 2016/3/22 17:14
You only need to register the address of your fixed residence. If you are staying in hotels or with friends while you are looking for a new place, you don't need to register that. The 14 days count starts when you move into your new place, not when you enter Japan.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese resident with no address 2016/3/22 20:16
Thanks! That does make sense.
Let's see how it goes :-)
by Aaron (guest) rate this post as useful

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