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Sharehouse questions 2016/3/26 10:10
I will be moving into a sharehouse within the next few weeks.

I don't know what the % will be Japanese or foreign but I speak only beginner Japanese, I know this will cause some problems. Anybody stayed in a sharehouse and didn't speak the language or had a resident move in that didn't ? What were the problems involved ?

Should I bring an small gift with me for the house, will it be expected ? Any suggestions ?

Thank you for reading.
by dk (guest)  

Re: Sharehouse questions 2016/3/27 00:59

I've been living in guesthouse for a month, can't speak any Japanese.

But to me it's fine since the house's manager can communicate in English and most of people here also do speak English enough for common discussion.

Actually, we don't speak to each other everyday so they won't care if you can use Japanese or not. Just some greetings in the morning/evening are more than enough.

by kspm rate this post as useful

Re: Sharehouse questions 2016/3/27 03:24
Ah, thanks. You've helped put my mind at ease :)
by dk (guest) rate this post as useful

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