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Trying to get a marketing job in Japan 2016/3/27 14:09
Everyone, greetings. So I've been living in Osaka for the past two years, and for those two years I've been doing ALT work. I've also been studying Japanese and am planning to take JLPT N3 in the summer. I would really like to get a entry level marketing job in Japan, even if I have to move out of Osaka. I have a bachelor's in International Business with a Minor in marketing, another bachelor's in Finance, and a few marketing research internships back at home.

My situation right now is that I'm 28, soon to be turning 29. Doing a real career in Japan, along with a career that I want is my dream, probably like many others in my situation. I've been at least trying to keep up my Japanese studies so that I don't keep being entirely stuck of what I am. I don't know though if studying Japanese will really help me in the future because of my lack of job experience. I want to keep trying, but part of me to be honest is also saying that I should be going back home to America before I turn 30 so that I could actually have a chance to start a better career before it's too late. Having my hometown in Florida also doesn't help as Florida's is one of the worst places in America for finding a white-collar job, so if by chance I end up going back to America, I would have to try and look for a job out of state. On the flip side, I do have $10,000 saved still, so that may leave me with a few options. I want to have some kind of hope though that I can still make it here in Japan.

Should I still keep studying Japanese? I probably wont be able to get to N2 until I turn 30 or 31...I'm still trying but I keep getting lots of negative thoughts about my future lately when I study...
by Micah T (guest)  

Re: Trying to get a marketing job in Japan 2016/3/27 19:33
If you are happy to go home, then go home. If it genuinely is your dream to have a job outside of English teaching in Japan then you should keep studying, and you should study harder. With the relevant academic background and industry experience, you are honestly better positioned than most foreigners for getting work in marketing. The problem is obviously with your Japanese, marketing demands exceptional communication skills so you are going to need to improve a lot. This is simply a question of whether or not you are ready to put the time and effort in, only you can answer. Though my opinion is that if you are living in Japan then it would be a shame not to improve as much as you can whether you decide to stay or not. I bet if you work hard then you might be able to reach a higher level of Japanese in a shorted space of time than you think.
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