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Samu Language School 2016/3/29 04:36

I am an American guy currently looking for a language school to attend in Japan. I'm definitely looking to be in an environment where I won't be able to use English outside of class. I've studied Japanese for a while and worked for a Japanese company for a bit.

I recently had a trip to Japan where I visited Samu Language school. I went to the school briefly and had a quick interview where I saw I was assessed at conversation level 3 (whatever that means). School seemed pretty good, and I was told by the
staff that the school has lots of folks from Korea and China. (Might be good seeing as I'm hoping to only use my Japanese)

I haven't been able to find any reviews on the school and was wondering if anyone has attended the school and could give me some insight. I've seen seen a few of the other big names floating around (Kai, Naganuma etc.) Please let me know your thoughts.
by Des (guest)  

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