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Driving license change 2016/3/30 17:20
Hello all,

Can anyone advise when changing my license (From UK) to a Japanese license and with a class of 普通自動車

Will this let me driver a Mini-van (8-10 seat vehicle) as I'll be needing to transport some people around?

Best regards.

by Driver (guest)  

Re: Driving license change 2016/3/31 06:54
UK = イギリス(igirisu)
警視庁(keishicho) means Tokyo's = Metropolitan Police Department
but no big different other 46 prefectures.
Some other prefectures police web "Gaimen kirikae(外免切替)" guide page.

JAF is not Police division.
Seems translation needs 7-10 days.

For 普通自動車(futuu-jidousya) need
regular/ordinary license(第1種 普通自動車免許) valid for max 10 seats car
except taxi/bus as need legal profession driver job license.

If meant for thinking "白タク(shiro-taku/unlicensed taxi)" is not only illegal(arrest) will be enemy of Yakuza.
If arrested by Police punishment is not so light
under "3 years" max imprisonment(prison life)
or payment "3 millions(300万) Yen" max penalty
or forcibly deport to your home country as criminal.
by NV200 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Driving license change 2016/3/31 12:28

The kanji from my original post is the class type that shows in the pinky colored boxes on the front of my Japanese driving license.
Not at all to do with the police or familiar matters.

Vehicle class can be listed as W4G, W5G, W6G when hiring vehicles for a short time.

I would like to hire a vehicle (8-10 seater) for a weekend trip and just require to know if I can hire a vehicle of that size with this type of license,

Hoping someone can assist.

Best regards,

by Driver (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Driving license change 2016/3/31 16:38
Will this let me driver a Mini-van (8-10 seat vehicle) as I'll be needing to transport some people around?

No problem, the ordinary vehicle class license that you will get upon conversion allows you to drive up to at 10 passenger vehicle.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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