Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Waseda GPA, TOEFL, SAT 2016/3/30 23:21
Hello, everyone.

I am a boarding school student in Incheon, Korea.

I would like to study at Waseda University. My goal is to be accepted into the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS).

However, I do not have much information about the minimum GPA, TOEFL, and SAT requirements for the accepted students.
1) What is the cut-off?
2) Is Waseda lenient with these ranges (e.g. accepting 3.9 GPA student with 1200 SAT or accepting 2.9 GPA student with 2300 SAT)?
3) Is extracurricular background important? I am the treasurer of volunteer work club, and interned at an advertisement company. The company director gave me a recommendation letter.

Thank-you for the advices..
by hyeonseo  

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