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Job visa advice 2016/3/31 20:21
I don't wish to publish too many specifics in case my employers read this.

In February I was offered a job in Japan for an English school. For various reasons no exact start date was set due to my personal circumstances but they would start the visa process. I've been in regular contact with them since.

I recently asked about the visa and the certificate of eligibility. They told me that they're waiting for my COE and they'd like me to come out in a couple of weeks to start my "training." They've said that if my COE hasn't arrived by my departure, I can change my visa when I get to Japan.

This doesn't sit too well with me, as I'm pretty sure it's legally dubious, and I've heard the process of changing visa in Japan can take a long time. I'd appreciate any input or experience any of you have had with this type of situation.
by Stuart Andrews (guest)  

Re: Job visa advice 2016/4/1 12:30
Yes, it is illegal to get over there and be working without your working visa already in hand, but in many instances companies bring people to Japan in that way. I am actually waiting for my CoE as well, I'm actually surprised that I haven't been told this by my company as well, seeing their history of doing so...but short answer, yes it is illegal, but it seems to happen frequently.
by Pharaoh Satus rate this post as useful

Re: Job visa advice 2016/4/1 13:45
I guess the company wants the OP over for "training," and as far as that is concerned, participating in "unpaid" training should be OK. But then the question comes up when your training is done and you are ready to start, and the CoE is not yet ready... what do you do? In that sense, if you want to go the straight and narrow, it would be better to wait for CoE to arrive and then to travel to Japan after you get the CoE and have received the visa. Also upon CoE application you might have had to specify at which embassy you'll receive the visa, and I don't know if that location can be changed.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Job visa advice 2016/4/1 14:21
before thinking about illegality or legality,
if you come without having a suitable working visa, you are in a similar situation that your passport is taken by the company. (the company can easily change their mind without discussing with you. you are a slave of the company until you get a working visa.)
"umpaid training" before working also seems to be illegal against the labor law.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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