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CoE question 2016/4/2 08:13
If there's something wrong with the CoE application/documents, will the immigration office contact the applicant (via phone or email)?

Or do you have to contact them yourself if there's no CoE issued within 3 months?

I am just curious, because after 3 months I wouldn't want to hear that the application was slowed down due to something missing etc. Just sitting there for few months, and then resuming after my own contact with the immigration office.
Rather I'd want to be informed about possible problems or errors asap.

I have been waiting for my CoE (spouse/from EU) for over a month now.
Reading the previous CoE questions, I know it'll take around 1-3 months to process. So I put my mindset more towards the 2-3 months waiting.

But I don't want to call and ask any updates if they would indeed contact me in case of error/problem.
by Yon (guest)  

Re: CoE question 2016/4/3 07:34
My previous reading on CoE says that if it is declined you don't always know the reason. If it is a technical error they might let you know.

I had mine prepared for me (because of the type of application) and just waiting out the three months.
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