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Quitting job, must I notify? 2016/4/3 00:47
I was told that within 2 weeks after your last day of work you must notify immigration.

I told my new boss and he said he will notify them for me. Is this possible? Is it normal to not go down there yourself?

I left my last job March 30, I start my new job April 5th.

Thank you!
by donnysf  

Re: Quitting job, must I notify? 2016/4/3 10:43
You have to notify them yourself, too. Anyway, if you have a new job, you also need to notify them of that.
by nt (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting job, must I notify? 2016/4/4 09:30
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Quitting job, must I notify? 2016/4/5 00:53
Thank you very much!
by donnysf rate this post as useful

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