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Do your file your taxes in your home country? 2016/4/3 00:50
I just found out recently that I was supposed to be filing my taxes in my home country, and that's it's illegal if I haven't been.

I also heard most people don't though.

Do you guys do it? I'm American by the way, if that matters :)

by donnysf  

Re: Do your file your taxes in your home country? 2016/4/3 08:36
If you're an American citizen, you must file your 1040 with the IRS. If you don't, you'll be subject to fines by the IRS. Don't concern yourself with what others do or don't do. You may get away with it, but it'll catch with you in the future.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Do your file your taxes in your home country? 2016/4/3 09:46
Yes, I do (also American). Your income will generally be exempted, but you do have to file (and you get a two month grace period, so file by June).
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Do your file your taxes in your home country? 2016/4/3 09:47
If you are US Citizen living abroad, you must file every year no matter what. And the IRS will always find you even if you don't pay Uncle Sam.

1040, 2555-EZ, sometimes a few other forms.
by dzntz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Do your file your taxes in your home country? 2016/4/3 11:45
I'm Australian and we also have to fill out our taxes, but if we live and work overseas and have earned no income in our home country we aren't considered 'residents for taxation purposes', which means we don't have to pay tax to the Australian government. We still have to complete the online form though, and confirm that we weren't 'residents' in the previous financial year.
by Jenn Jett (guest) rate this post as useful

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