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Can I get a Visa as a YouTuber? 2016/4/4 06:40
Hello all!

I have always been very fascinated by Japanese culture and would like to live there. I have been there a few times with the family and I am still absolutely in love with the country.

To cut directly to the question - I am a prominent YouTuber (I'd like to ask this question anonymously, though) and I make about $140,000 - $160,000 a year from my channel. Would I be able to obtain a Visa if I also hired 2 to 5 full-time Japanese employees? My channel is growing quickly, and I would easily be able to create a business and share my profits with eager, skilled Japanese professionals.

So here are the bullet points -

- I make 15,000,000 yen a year minimum.
- I would bring jobs to Japanese Citizens.
- I speak Japanese fluently.

What do you guys think?
by airshrimp777  

Re: Can I get a Visa as a YouTuber? 2016/4/4 10:42
You could probably pursue the Business Manager/Investor visa, where you set up your own company in Japan and hire a few locals, though they say the requirements and the procedures for this type of visa are cumbersome.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can I get a Visa as a YouTuber? 2016/4/5 10:04
They have actually simplified the process to create one's own business. But the first issue is the visa. I suggest you contact the Japanese embassy. Check their website too, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs'.
by Motivist rate this post as useful

Re: Can I get a Visa as a YouTuber? 2016/4/5 13:13
AFAIK the best way is to establish your own company and invest ~50k USD, that would make you eligible for investor visa. The company can freely employ Japanese people then.
by JiroHiro (guest) rate this post as useful

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