Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/4 20:36
Hello. I'm doing a little research and need answers to following:

First things first, I need to know if my current knowledge is correct:

1) High school year (just like elementary-middle schools) starts in April (1st of April) and ends in the last week of march, right?

if this is correct than..

2) When are the entrance exams held (close to the exact day of the month) and how many exams are held in total?

This might be confusing:

3) How graduation works for people who want to continue studying, and those who no longer plan to study after high school?
Do people, who wish to study at university, take only university entrance exams and if they pass them then they graduate from high school (receive diploma)? or do they have to take exams both in high school and university at the same year? What happens if they fail in one of them?

I hope I made it at least a bit understandable...

by Ozymandias  

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/5 13:35
There are no "graduation exams" like in some other countries. Those who want to go to university take entrance exams to universities, those who want to start working don't.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/5 14:28
1) High school year (just like elementary-middle schools) starts in April (1st of April) and ends in the last week of march, right?

Technically speaking, yes. But year-end ceremonies are usually held in mid March and students no longer have classes. Graduation ceremonies are held a bit earlier. Similarly, the first day at school is hardly the 1st of April.

2) When are the entrance exams held (close to the exact day of the month) and how many exams are held in total?

Are you talking about tests that you take in order to enter high school? If so, it's complicated, but it's held on various dates during autumn to March depending on what tests you want to/can take. Typically, a student takes one test per school. But many students apply for more than one high school.

3) How graduation works for people who want to continue studying, and those who no longer plan to study after high school?

Graduation is graduation. It's the same for everybody. Senior high school in Japan is not compulsory education, so you have to do well to a certain extent in order to graduate. And unless you are qualified as a graduate (meaning that you have a graduation certificate, or have passed a test that proves you have achieved a level equivalent to graduates), you cannot enter university even though you have passed the entrance exam for it.

Perhaps someone can give you a more appropriate answer if you can clarify the reason for your question.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/5 21:49
Thanks for the replies.

I belong to a country where school starts on 1st of September and ends somewhere in June. Plus there a LOTS of other differences.

I need this info, sort to say, for research purposes. I'm not planning to study in Japan, but I wish to have correct knowledge about this subject. I'll be grateful for your help.

There are no "graduation exams" like in some other countries. Those who want to go to university take entrance exams to universities, those who want to start working don't. - I didn't know that.

Here is what I wish to know. I'll use personal experience as an example:

In my country for example, 12th grade is shorter than previous grades and ends somewhere in April. There are graduation exams in every subject, held at school. - If you pass, you receive certificate, later needed to apply to university.
Those who wish to continue studies in University, take additional 4 (national) exams later in midsummer. Results are known at the end of August. Universities start on the 2nd or 3rd week of September.

I wish to receive information similar to my own example please, as simple as possible (if possible)
1) When does 12th grade end in Japan?
2) When are University entrance exams held? (I heard somewhere that it's in January or march...not sure)
3) When does the university start?

and also...
the first day at school is hardly the 1st of April. - Does this mean that it can start 1 week earlier? or 1 week later? Is it because of entrance ceremonies or something?

Thanks again...

by Ozymandias rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/6 01:14
The 12th grade students are offcially end in March 31, but most school classes end early or mid December. The remaining days will be preparatory for University/College entrance (sitting) exam.

The University/College entrance exams star late Jan through to March, mostly early/mid Feb. It depends on the University/ College schedule. The most universities/colleges organize two exams schedule, sometimes three exam schedule(for Junior Colleges mainly).

All University/College star in April. The lectures start mid April.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/6 21:42
1) When does 12th grade end in Japan?

We don't call it "12th grade", but the last day for students in the final year of senior high school is graduation day which is typically around March 17th or 18th or something like that. Meanwhile, for students in other grades attend school until March 23rd or 24th or so.

2) When are University entrance exams held? (I heard somewhere that it's in January or march...not sure)

Here is one typical example of an exam schedule:

The earliest entrance exam for the past year was held in Oct 18th, 2016. The type of this exam is called AO exam which puts its emphasis on interviews, and applicants who passed the Oct 18th exam is to take a second exam in mid Nov.

Then there are various types of commendation exams held during Oct 18 to Feb 6, depending on what the applicant is commended by. An applicant would take only one exam of this type.

The traditional type of exams are held during Jan 16 to Feb 25, in which an applicant take only one exam.

There are also other exams held in Oct-Nov for those with special qualifications, such as foreign applicants.

All these are just for one university called Asia University. Other universities have similar systems. Applicants are free to challenge to as many exams per universities as (s)he wants to, as long as the qualifications are granted. But you need to pay about 30000 yen per exam. It's also typical for high school students to take exams for more than one university.

It's typical for high school students to take these exams before graduating so that they can move on to university right after graduation. Otherwise, they need to wait for another whole year for their next chance. In other words, they will be taking entrance exams when they still don't know if they can graduate. High schools will issue a paper that shows the student is "likely to graduate" so that they can apply for university entrance exams.

3) When does the university start?

For example, I remember the news reporting that many universities held entrance ceremonies on April 2nd for this year.

Typically, entrance exam results are announced a few weeks after the each exam. Then students soon officially apply entrance and pay a bulk amount of school fee. Again, high school students have not yet graduated at this point. Then they graduate, and then typically around the end of March, universities invite their new students for orientation. And then they are handed their student IDs in April. For the first week or so of April, most of what they do is orientation-related things. Class finally starts after that.

and also...
the first day at school is hardly the 1st of April. - Does this mean that it can start 1 week earlier? or 1 week later?

I was talking about high school, but my understanding as a local resident is that it doesn't start earlier, but usually starts later.

Is it because of entrance ceremonies or something?

Well, entrance ceremonies are school days. Actually, it doesn't mean much to start right on spot on the 1st when kids still might want to enjoy their spring vacation. And I guess teachers want more time to prepare too.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/7 02:58
Thanks for your answers people.

Uco - You deserve SPECIAL thanks from me! I'm VERY grateful for that answer, thanks for your time. That's exactly what I needed!

Thank you very much...again!!!

by Ozymandias rate this post as useful

Re: Final Year of High Shool 2016/4/7 08:28
You're most welcome. And sorry for the many typos. Also, this is just a post from an anonymous internet user, so I hope you further research by looking for official information.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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