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Does changing gender affect CoE application? 2016/4/4 22:03
Hi all,

I have lived in Japan a few times before, though not for a number of years and received a job offer to go and work in Tokyo.
The company submitted the CoE application today but I'm wondering if there will be a problem in the fact that the name and gender on my passport now is different to my name and gender on my passport the last time I entered Japan (obviously I had to list my previous entrances into Japan).

Will immigration put 2 and 2 together or do you think there will be a hold up?

by bluebanana23  

Re: Does changing gender affect CoE application? 2016/4/5 17:24
I can't see why this would be a problem. If they really need to confirm your travel history, they have your fingerprints.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Does changing gender affect CoE application? 2016/4/5 21:14
gender changing may not affect your application.
but, immigration probably can't confirm your entering history in the application. I think you need to supply some official document that shows the previous you and the present you are the same person.
I don't think they use the fingerprint database, because it is made for searching criminals and terrorists, not for controlling ordinary people.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Does changing gender affect CoE application? 2016/4/12 13:18
I never mentioned it to them or tried
by bluebanana23 rate this post as useful

Re: Does changing gender affect CoE application? 2016/4/12 13:19
I never mentioned it to them or tried to explain the discrepancy and the CoE came in 8 days so I guess it doesn't matter :). Thanks!
by bluebanana23 rate this post as useful

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