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Qualifications of working in Japan 2016/4/11 03:55
Hi, thank you for stopping and reading my question
I am a Hong Kong student who is now studying in U.K. I would intend to work in Japan for working experience.
So, in order to achieve this goal, would you mind to share your experience about how to apply job from oversea and what qualification is needed ? Thank you
by Timothy56187  

Re: Qualifications of working in Japan 2016/4/11 09:34
Are you trying to find an intern position (short-term), or are you trying to pursue a career in Japan? And what kind of profesional and language skills would you have when you intend to start working in Japan?
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Qualifications of working in Japan 2016/5/11 07:46
I would like to find an internship in Japan.
I can speak Chinese, English, Cantonese and Japanese (N3 level)
by Timothy56187 rate this post as useful

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