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Do visas get rejected even if you have a CoE? 2016/4/12 17:02
I got my CoE today and before I hand in notice at my current job, I wanted to know how likely it will be that I will get a visa. Are they completely separate entities or does having one make it unlikely I won't get the other?

I don't have any criminal convictions/deportations in my past which is all I really know that they can refuse visas for, though there could be reasons I don't know about.
by bluebanana23  

Re: Do visas get rejected even if you have a CoE? 2016/4/12 19:40
It is very unlikely.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Do visas get rejected even if you have a CoE? 2016/4/12 21:25
Thanks Firas.

It's probably safe for me to resign then :)
by bluebanana23 rate this post as useful

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