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Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/14 04:03
I usually have my yearly income tax refund paid into my account by early April and often late March.

However, I haven't even received the notification card that tells me payment will soon be made.

Is it just me, or are the refunds being made later than usual for some reason?
by Ady (guest)  

Re: Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/14 22:42
I filed my taxes in February and got my refund soon after that. I don't know when you filed yours, but if you feel that it's late should ask your local tax office.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/14 23:57
You won't get any income tax refunds if you have done accurate tax payment.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/15 06:48
I just got my notification card saying the payment will come in 4-5 days, so I think some places are just slow this year.
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/15 09:00
I filed in early March, and I got the notification early April.

tokyo friend 48,
If you do your own taxes ("kakutei shinkoku") upon filing you know how much additional income tax you will have to pay, or how much you'd get back, depending on your individual circumstances. And this of course assumes that you do your calculation accurately.
by ..... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Late Tax Refund? 2016/4/15 18:44
tokyo friend 48

You're totally wrong. I always know exactly how much is due to be paid back to me, and I assume many other taxpayers, too.

What makes you put forward such a sweeping statement?
by Anon (guest) rate this post as useful

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