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Possible to become a Koumuin? 2016/4/15 14:46
Is it possible for foreigners to become a government worker / koumuin / 公務員 in Japan?

Specifically, I am interested in the ward office (such as Shinjuku-ku ward office / 新宿区役所).
by Koumuin (guest)  

Re: Possible to become a Koumuin? 2016/4/16 12:14
by Dainichi Heater rate this post as useful

Re: Possible to become a Koumuin? 2016/4/16 21:59
Permanent residents may also be eligible. They are here in Sendai, but i'm not sure whether it differs by municipality, or whether it is the same for positions in the central government.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Possible to become a Koumuin? 2016/4/17 12:05
I don't know about being a koumuin, but it's possible to work at a ward office without a koumuin-shikaku. If you're interested in Shinjuku-kuyakusho, ask for details there.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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