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ICU or RU? 2016/4/16 22:33
I'm planning on applying to these schools and I would love to hear your thoughts on them! :) Especially if you've studied at either one of these universities.

I would also like to know the estimated acceptance rate? What are the chances of getting in and how to improve said chances? Do you, personally, think ICU or RU would be the better choice and why?

Thank you in advance! :D
by jademarie  

Re: ICU or RU? 2016/5/13 09:19
hello! I'm not too sure what you mean by RU, but I can definitely give you some info on ICU :)

I applied as a September student in the second application period. It said on the information pdf that approximately 90 students get accepted over both periods so I was so nervous to apply! Miraculously, I got accepted and I'm going this September! I'm super excited.

I have a feeling what they focussed on was my extra-curricular activities. My grades weren't amazing, I averaged around B+-A's throughout my last 3 years of high school (they ask for your reports over these years). In high school, I was involved in a number of orchestras, fundraisers and volunteering activities. I had a number of captaincies during my last year of high school also.

I was also super close with a few of my teachers, so I got them to write my letters of recommendations, and because of that, they could write a lot about me.

I applied for ICU because of the bilingual campus they operate over there. I am fluent in both English and Japanese, so I've always wanted to utilise the skill in my career. ICU was the perfect opportunity for that. Their campus life also seemed so enriching.

If you want any more information, feel free to PM me ! :) Hope this helped!
by naomini14 rate this post as useful

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