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How do I pay National Health Insurance? 2016/4/19 09:56
So I arrived in Japan on the 1st as a student. The National Health Insurance I'm still a little confused on. Specifically how to pay it. I know I pay monthly, but when and who to?

I managed to get my address put on my residence card and I was sent a letter which had a small card that I *think* is the NHI card? It also came with some forms but I really don't know what they say or what to do with them.
by Reyson  

Re: How do I pay National Health Insurance? 2016/4/19 14:54
You'll receive paper with the amount you may pay by the town hall where you reside.
You just have to take the month's paper (the due date will be mark on them) and give it to the casher in a conbini and pay. (I'm paying this way)
After you can change for paying from your bank account
by Lydioune rate this post as useful

Re: How do I pay National Health Insurance? 2016/4/19 17:14
Visit your local city where your JP address is registered on your Zairyu card. Visit "Kokumin-kenko-hoken-ka"(国民健康保険課) at the city office.
by tokyo friend 48 rate this post as useful

Re: How do I pay National Health Insurance? 2016/4/19 17:59
Bring the booklet thing to a convenience store or post office, you can either pay it one month at a time or just all at once.

If you want to set it up for automatic payment each month from your bank account, fill the attached blue (I think) form and bring it to your bank.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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