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Salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/19 23:38
How much will I be able to save from a 5M yen gross salary? I feel like I should have gotten 6M yen. Anyway, commuting expenses subsidized by company and pension/health insurance will be included in deductions. No rent subsidy. Is that a good salary package? I am 33 yrs old with 8 years IT background in network, single and living a simple life not extravagant. I tried a few JP tax calculators online and it shows that I will be able to get a net income of around 320k - 330k monthly. Budget for rent is 80k but I don't know about monthly expenses for TV cable, internet, voice/data mobile plan. My own calculations for expenses including tax, food and utilities shows that I will be able to save 185691 yen. I don't feel confident about the accuracy of my computation so any help will be needed from those who knew about the living expenses in Japan.
by gaijinated  

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/20 11:16
If you are not confident with the offer, don't work there.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/20 21:15
Firstly with 8 yrs experience in IT what you are getting is very less, ideally you should get 6.5-7 M per year most non Japanese companies would pay that much

as of saving most likely case would be around 100-120k unless you go extremely frugal
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/21 04:39
Check out below link, a network engineer for mid carrier role commands 7-9 M yen/year
Don't settle for less..
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/21 06:43
If they were willing to pay more they would hire a native not a foreigner.
by jh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/21 09:19
If they were willing to pay more they would hire a native not a foreigner.

Not necessarily. IT is one of those industries in Japan where well-qualified foreigners can command a premium.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/21 10:42
Though it may be through but nowadays with influx of IT labour from India and dispatch/contract workers the pays are much lower than it used to be.

Unless you have extra-ordinary skills and Japanese language ability then..

Saving 200k from net 320k as single is doable and yet you can still live an OK life, mostly cook your own with occasional outing.

Example accomodation and utilities may set you around 60-80K, initial setup may cost abit with deposit and stuff. Note that most are not furnished.
Food range from as low as 20K p.m. and phone voice and data can be 2K onward if you go with MVNO, not the 3 main telcos. Internet with TV may cost frm 4-5K..

Just make sure your OT are paid as well.
by @@ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/21 13:04
Not necessarily. IT is one of those industries in Japan where well-qualified foreigners can command a premium.

Apparently not in this particular case.
by jh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help about salary package offer in Japan 2016/4/23 00:45
Based from the salary range being offerred from JP job sites, the usual range is around 6-9M yen for Network Engineers but the caveat is that one needs to have atleast a business level Japanese which I don't have plus I have no prior working experience in Japan. Maybe that's why they just put me into an "entry level" status, however this seems to be a little bit above the average salary of a typical Japanese salaryman. I guess it just depends on the company, languange ability and prior working experience in Japan.

My equivalent salary in my country is around 2870000 Yen annual including allowances and comparing it to the offer I guess it's not bad enough. I guess I am just worried about the savings I will make and the risk of getting into the unknown working environment of the Japanese corporate realm.
by gaijinated rate this post as useful

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