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Nara city speaker broadcast? 2016/4/20 23:48
Back in 28th October last year when staying in a hotel near Kintetsu-Nara station I heard a strange speaker broadcast echoing through town.

It was in the morning, starting around 7.30 AM going on for quite a while.

I was not sure if there was the mayor or some of these creepy political right wing groups speaking but it felt quite uneasy as I did not know and was not used to it.

Maybe it was a school message to people standing in the school yard.

If anyone knows please let me know I would be happy to explain to my relatives watching my trip videos about this.
by Eagle (guest)  

Re: Nara city speaker broadcast? 2016/4/21 08:45
can you link to some video?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Nara city speaker broadcast? 2016/4/21 09:43
It could be a test of the emergency broadcast system but the time is a bit early for it....
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Nara city speaker broadcast? 2016/4/21 18:38
it might be 街頭演説, gaitou-enzetsu.
if so, he/she was a councilman/woman and was speaking to people passing-by.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nara city speaker broadcast? 2016/4/21 23:28
I dont have a recording of the actual sound sorry, just mentioning it in the video.

It was a man speaking,sometimes he paused for a long time then went on again. Went on for 30-60 minutes maybe...

I know there are white or black cars running around with political messages in megaphones but maybe it was a school day broadcast info. He did not use a very harsh voice like politicans.

The hotel was Toyoko Inn Kintetsu nara eki mae. If it helps.

by Eagle (guest) rate this post as useful

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