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Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 03:17
We want to takkyubin luggage from Kyoto to an Osaka Residence. What happens if no one is home to accept the luggage in Osaka?

Do they take it to the nearest takkyubin office? If so, how do we get it from there? Thank you...
by jackie42  

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 08:54
What happens if no one is home to accept the luggage in Osaka?

Don't do this.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 08:58
What happens if no one is home to accept the luggage in Osaka?

They will leave an attempted delivery slip and try again the next day. You can also call the number on the slip to arrange a convenient delivery time, or go to the local office to pick it up.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 09:18
Don't do this.

Can you elaborate?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 16:29
When ever you send any can set the time of you need to make sure to set the perfect timing.(they can deliver up to 9pm).also make sure you input a phone number just in case no one is home they will call to reschedule.other wise you need to go to their center to collect it yourself.(center location depends on your address in Osaka).
by mooha rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 17:42
so you need to make sure to set the perfect timing.(they can deliver up to 9pm).

Setting a delivery window is optional, but advisable as it helps the recipient to know when to be around.

also make sure you input a phone number just in case no one is home they will call to reschedule.

In many cases, you are required to put a contact phone number.

other wise you need to go to their center to collect it yourself.(center location depends on your address in Osaka).

Depends on the company. Most will automatically try to redeliver the following day for a set number of attempts. Others require the recipient to call and reschedule.

Also, I'm still not sure why Firas is so emphatic about not missing deliveries as it is a very normal procedure and usually not within your control anyway (unless you are sending something to yourself). If I were to speculate, I could see a problem if you were staying at an unauthorized AirBnB, but often in those cases the owner will instruct you not to have packages sent to the address.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 18:12
re-delivery is not normal. it is a kind free service like emergency ambulance in Japan. if many people don't care about re-delivery, they may charge re-delivery fees in future.
waiting the parcels on the arriving date is an unwritten rule for Japanese. that is a courtesy for delivery men. if you fail to catch it, you can ask their kindness of re-delivery, you should not order re-delivery.
if you know that no one is there on the arriving date, you should not send it. you should specify the date when someone is there.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/21 19:04
Yamato, Sagawa, and most of the other big takkyubin companies reattempt deliver as a matter of policy, so you're not committing some great sin by missing a delivery and requesting a reattempt. They'll do it automatically anyway.

Of course its courteous to be around when you are expecting packages, but as a sender it's out of your control. There are other ways to do it if you are worried about delivery being missed, for example by sending it to a local office to be held for pickup basically solves the problem.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Takkyubin from Kyoto to Osaka Residence 2016/4/23 03:02
Thank you everyone for your input....very helpful.
by jackie42 rate this post as useful

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