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How to get into Japanese University 2016/4/22 13:49
I really want to get into a Japanese University. My mother is Japanese but I was raised in the US. I went to intense Japanese hoshuukou so I am very fluent in anything Japanese language wise. I am taking the N1 japanese test this summer. My GPA is 3.89 and Im taking the SAT this year. Im looking for help from sudents who have been accepted by ICU, WASEDA SILS KEIO PEARL etc.!
Let me know your advice and your scores you had to get accepted please! My whole Japanese family is counting on me to head to Japan so the pressure on! Thanks for the help!
by Lahn Yamamoto (guest)  

Re: How to get into Japanese University 2016/4/25 10:38
It varies from university to university. I think you should contact each university's admission department. But first, if I were you, I would browse through and find the right program for me. You can search on JASSO's site here:

by Marc5 rate this post as useful

Re: How to get into Japanese University 2016/4/25 14:55
Hi Marc
I've visited all the universities I've listed. My friends grandfather is a professor at ICU and also head of admissions so I have a slight way in for ICU but I would like to open my range for colleges. I have contacted them but schools never give an exact GPA etc. for they do not want to discourage future applicants. I want to hear from people who have been accepted and what their resume looks like.
by Lahn Yamamoto (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to get into Japanese University 2016/4/25 15:37
schools never give an exact GPA etc

Maybe because they don't have any? Applications are considered as a whole, the goal is to get as accurate a picture as possible of what kind of person you are, and whether you are the kind they want.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: How to get into Japanese University 2016/4/25 23:49
ICU has no minimum and I was told by Waseda they're GPA is not public. Only test scores such as SAT ACT TOEFL is made public
by Lahn Yamamoto (guest) rate this post as useful

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