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Short term studies Japan 2016/4/22 15:34
I wish to try some studying in Japan for 1-3 months, depending on costs and possibilites with free time from my current job and due to family situation.

Could you recommend any schools that would offer hand on activites as well like mikoshi carrying, Sakura viewing or Japanese type activities that would be hard for a regular tourist to enter?
by Ben (guest)  

Re: Short term studies Japan 2016/4/24 22:36
Hello Ben,
I recommend GenkiJACS. They have lot's of activities in addition to short/long term studies.
Also you will be put in the level that matches your Japanese knowledge.
Hope this helped !
by Taki Blackbeard rate this post as useful

Re: Short term studies Japan 2016/4/25 10:38
You may want to contact Motivist Japan ( They can find the school/program you want, though I am not sure they provide short-term programs - they processed my application but it was a 1 year program. Well, try, you have nothing to lose.

Good luck!
by Marc5 rate this post as useful

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