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Japan work question 2016/4/23 01:28
Hello all,

I have a couple of questions that I was wondering about that I tried to find, but couldn't get exactly, so if my situation is a repeat I'm very sorry. Also, apologize for the long set up, just tried to give a feel of the situation.

I was offered a job from an ALT company back in February and have been waiting on my CoE since then. I have had to change my flight a few times already because the companies projected dates were off. My CoE finally came in and is on its way to me and I should have my work visa in about a week and a half or two weeks and the flight that I delayed is still set up for around that time, which I thought would be perfect.

But my company told me that they are going to find me a position which could take even longer, seeing that they explained when receiving my CoE that it could be submitted within x amount of months and the visa is valid for x amount of months giving them x amount of months to find me a position. I guess since my original arrival date has passed and maybe the positions have been filled, although they are still posting immediate start job opportunities on job boards, but maybe that's for some other reasoning, but anyway my questions are:

1. Would I be in some type of trouble with this company if when I came to Japan I just looked for another English teaching opportunity and got the job? I did sign paper work, but they did clarify at that time that it was not an actual contract, just some sort of agreement. This also being that I can not change my flight anymore and I'm just going to come on over when that date arrives and also assuming that they have not found me a position at the time of my arrival.
2. How difficult would you say it is landing an English teaching job while actually in Japan? With of course a working visa.
3. I know it probably depends on location, but are Japanese hotels generally expensive or are there ranges of non expensive to expensive? Seeing that I might have to get one if they do not have a position open yet.

Thank you very much for anyone who replies and I hope the situation came out clear.

by PS (guest)  

Re: Japan work question 2016/4/23 08:30
As long as you have a valid visa, you can enter and work at any place as long as your job is within the scope of your status. If you say more than three months withoutt working, however, your status may be revoked.

Already having your own visa is usually considered a big plus when looking for jobs, since then you can start working immediately.

The cheapest price per night for a hotel in a decently-sized city is about 2,000 yen for a capsule or dormitory, and about 4,000 for a private room.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Japan work question 2016/4/24 16:02
thanks for the information Firas
by Pharaoh Satus rate this post as useful

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