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Gaijin houses outside Tokyo, Osaka 2016/4/25 22:21
There seem to be no problem finding gaijin houses or guest houses in Tokyo or other big cities. But finding them in unusual locations like Kagoshima, Sapporo, etc seems a hassle.

Can anyone recommend a reliable source where to find such places outside Tokyo please?

I have used google already!
by Aexy (guest)  

Re: Gaijin houses outside Tokyo, Osaka 2016/4/26 09:02
Due to low demand, the selection of gaijin houses/guesthouses outside of Tokyo and Osaka is extremely limited/non-existant. Bigger metropolitan areas like Nagoya might have them, but lesser traveled places like Kagoshima likely will not. You might want to try hostels instead.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Gaijin houses outside Tokyo, Osaka 2016/4/26 12:26
Well isnt hostels more expensive compared to gaijin houses?

I am mostly looken for the feel of living in Japan without staying in a hotel etc..

And not to expensive. Given that most hotels and hostels cost around 4-7000 jpy or more a night being solo...
by Aexy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Gaijin houses outside Tokyo, Osaka 2016/4/26 12:54
Hostels start around 2000 yen per night, so they can be very comparable to gaijin houses. They probably don't give quite the same "living in Japan" feel, but if you are looking for cheap accommodations then in many cases hostels will be your only option. Here's a good database of hostels in Japan:
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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