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Food budget apartment stay 2016/4/28 00:42
I have been looking at the budget idea pages but not sure if it applies for staying in an apartment buying groceries and stuff myself not going to restaurants and so too much.

What would a good daily or weekly food budget be recommended to would you say? 2500 JPY a day? 10 000 - 12 000 JPY a week?
by Foo (guest)  

Re: Food budget apartment stay 2016/4/28 09:55
If you are buying groceries yourself, then you could keep it as cheap as 500 to 1000 yen a day.
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Food budget apartment stay 2016/4/28 14:46
I live by myself, and mostly cook my own meals, but ocassionally eat out and have lots of snacks, and my average monthly expense for food is around 23000 yen.
Hope it helps!
(BTW I'm a girl but I eat quite a lot, hehe)
by ruby (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Food budget apartment stay 2016/4/29 05:04
Thank you for your ideas!

I was mostly thinking of buying groceries yes. I could do bento boxes and bring if on a side trip or so as I would not stay in the apartment all day.

Sometimes I would try local stuff like ramen or eel or so, maybe even kaiseki meal but not everyday.

I am mostly used to buying ready made food since staying in hotels only. I did a calculation on that ending in about 13000 jpy per day for living,food, souvenirs, minor travel etc (had a rail pass).

Staying in apartment would also relief me of the luggage as a cart is not optimal for continous travel....
by Foo (guest) rate this post as useful

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